The great thing about the Gospel is that it can be shared anywhere! Whether it be in other countries, at the beach, in the mountains, or right here at home. Sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ is the best story you could ever share! A story of love, sacrifice, mercy and hope. So this raises a question of what this "Great Commission" is that the Bible keeps talking about. Beginning with the word "commission"...
What is a Commission?
In the simplest terms, a "commission", is just an instruction or command. An order to do something, say something, or live in a certain way. In the Bible, our "commission" is more popularly known as “The Great Commission". Taught by Jesus Christ himself, The Great Commission is the most important instruction we can receive. As Christians, we are made as disciples, meaning we are the Jesus' followers, his ambassadors, and his spokespeople.
What is our Great Commission?
Jesus makes it very clear what our "Great Commission", or greatest command is. In Matthew 28, Jesus meets his disciples on a mountain and instructs them to do the following,
Matthew 28:18-20, "Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
As Jesus instructs his disciples and us in "The Great Commission", we are instructed to go out into the world and share the Good News of his sacrifice, love and hope. Teaching others all of the hope found in following Jesus and encouraging them to follow Him as well! As we do this, our goal is to make even more disciples (followers of Jesus), so that His name is known, glorified, and loved!
Why is making disciples so important?
Remember the game of "Simon Says" that we used to play as kids? Even though it’s a silly game, when “Simon” said to do something, you did it. In the same way, when Jesus tells us to do something, we should do it, right? All of us were so excited and eager as we waited to hear what “Simon” told us to do next. In the game, we listened, understood, and did the command as fast as we could. This is what Jesus desires for us to do as he calls us to "The Great Commission". His desire for us to act with excitement, focus, and persistence in completing what he has assigned us. As his disciples, we should be even more excited than in "Simon Says", to do what Jesus commands, calls, and instructs us to do! So why do we want to follow through with "The Great Commission"? John 14:23 answers it this way,
John 14:23, "Jesus replied, “All who love me will do what I say. My Father will love them, and we will come and make our home with each of them."
So the answer to why, is because we love Him and He loves us! With our love and mind towards Jesus, we always want to try our best every day to do what he commands of us!
So how do we actually do "The Great Commission"?
First, with our mouths & our words. Sharing the Good News through telling people “I know Jesus and He has saved my life, can I tell you about Him?”. Sharing the Good News can come in many different ways whether is be your testimony (your story of how you cam to know Jesus), your kindness towards others, and your day to day words. Other than your words being the way to bring others to Jesus, there are many practical and easy ways to share the Good News. For example, inviting people to church, sharing scripture, or simply just being a light in our broken world. I know sharing the Gospel an be intimidating at times, but in the Matthew 28: 20 Jesus says,
Matthew 28:20, "And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age".
His promise that he will not leave us on our own, call us to do something and not see it through, and be with us in our fears, doubts, and anxieties. Jesus doesn’t want us to be scared or timid while doing our "commission", but rather confident and bold!
Questions to Think About:
What do you think of when you hear the word "disciple"?
Why do you think it is so important for us to follow "The Great Commission"?
Do you think it is easy or hard to share the Good News of Jesus? Why or why not?
Do you think you are spreading the Gospel to the people around you?
If not, what are some practical ways we can spread the Gospel?
I pray that this message speaks life, love, and hope into your heart! I pray that you will walk in boldness as you share the hope of Jesus! I pray that you will feel the Lord's present as you faithfully follow his commands anywhere you go!
With Lots of Love,
Emma Claire Hayes