We all know the Story of Jesus’ birth and if not I am sure you will hear it sometime soon! But what makes Jesus the greatest gift of all?
For starters, Jesus is the "perfect" gift that God knew we needed!
God had seen that his perfect creation had been ruined by our own mistakes and faults. He looked down to Earth and knew that not just any gift would work, he knew we needed a Savior!
Matthew 1:21, "She will bear a son, and you shall call him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”
In this verse, the Holy Spirit had come upon Joseph and basically told him, this is the plan and we are going with it! From this, we can tell that it was God's plan all along to send his one and only son to save us from all of our sin! So he sent his "perfect" gift to fulfill his plan.
Secondly, Jesus is the greatest gift because he is the gift of life!
I can assure you, the iPad you're dying to get for Christmas cannot give you eternal life. So what kind of life is Jesus talking about? Let's look at John 10:10 to see,
John 10:10, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly".
This verse so clearly states the devil's goal and Jesus' goal. The devil is always on the prowl to steal, kill and destroy. But Jesus came so that we may have eternal life in him! Now let's take a look at that word, "abundantly". What does that mean? The word abundantly is defined as, "in large quantities; plentifully". So the life that Jesus came to give us is nowhere near the bare minimum, it is abundantly MORE! He desired not only a relationship with us, but a life filled with love, joy, peace, and fellowship. Although, he knew this life for us came with a price to pay. So he willingly and lovingly died on a cross, defeated death, and resurrected 3 days after to pay a price we never could!
Lastly, Jesus is a gift filled with promises!
Did you know there are 7,487 promises in the Bible from God to us! A few of them being; he will never leave us, he will strengthen us, he will take care of us, and so many more! With an endless list of all the promises Jesus brings to us, he is the gift that keeps on giving! Let's look at Joshua 23 to learn about his promises,
Joshua 23:14, "You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the Lord your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed."
This verse seems to be a promise within a promise. Of all the promises God gives us, he then promises that not one will fail! Personally, this verse brings me peace, hope, and comfort knowing that my God is on my side and will see his plan through! As we know, no other gift in the world is filled with all the promises that Jesus is filled with. Making him the greatest gift of all!
Questions to Think About:
What is the coolest gift you've ever received?
How long did that gift last? Forever?
How does it feel knowing it was God's plan all along to send Jesus to save you?
What was so important about Jesus' sacrifice?
What are some promises and blessings you feel each day?
Knowing God keeps his promises, what does that mean for us?
What makes Jesus the Greatest Gift of All?
How can we live differently knowing Jesus is filled with hope, life, and promises?
I pray that this message speaks life, love, and hope into you and will help us all understand that there is no better gift than the gift of Jesus! With lots of love from all of us at The Big Sis Organization, Merry Christmas!
With Lots of Love,
Georgia Zeleskey