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What is Sisterhood?

Writer's picture: The Big Sis OrganizationThe Big Sis Organization

What do you think of when you hear the word “Sisterhood?". The dictionary definition is "the relationship between sisters or a community of girls with something in common". Being a part of a Sisterhood can come from many things, whether you are related, have the same interests, play the same sport, go to the same bible study every week, or in the same sorority. More importantly, sisterhood can come from who we are in Christ. As we know, we are all his precious children, making us all sisters in Christ. So when we think about “What is Sisterhood?". We can be confident whether we are related or not, we all are a part of a sisterhood based on our identity in Christ!

So why is Sisterhood so important? I like to think about the exercise where one person sits on the floor and tries to stand up using no hands. It is pretty difficult, right? Once a friend gets back to back with them and they use each other to push off of, it tends to be a lot easier. This picture helps describe why God created sisterhood. Let's now look at what the Bible has to say..

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 says,“Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.”

God made sisterhood so we as sisters could help each other up, encourage each other, love each other, and simply have fun together! If you remember, way back in Genesis when God was creating the entire universe, after he created something he said "it was good". Until he created man, realized he was alone, and stated, "it was not good". Have you ever wondered why he said this? I know we all love our alone time whether it be reading a book, going on a walk or spending time in the Word, but imagine if the entire world was created and you were the only one on it! I'm not sure about you, but I would get really bored really fast. I would feel lonely, afraid, and maybe even without purpose. God knew that people could not and should not be completely on their own, so God created man a helper, Eve. From then on, the world went from a table of 2 to a table of 7.837 billion.

Let's imagine Adam and Eve, they're hanging out in the garden probably talking up a storm about all their favorite colors, fruits, hobbies, etc. They begin to form something we can relate to now as a "friendship". Now that we know what and why sisterhood is so important we can look at why WHO we chose as our friends is so important.

I know it can be difficult to know what makes a good friendship versus a bad.

So let's look at what the Bible says about it...

Proverbs 18:24 says, "There are “friends” who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother."

How can we tell a real friend from a bad friend? Generally, we can identify if someone is a real and positive friend just based on how they act, talk, and treat others. Are they kind? Supportive? Understanding? Ultimately, we can tell if someone is a true friend and someone we want to surround ourselves with, based on their values, goals, heart, and relationship with the Lord. The honest truth can be found in 1 Corinthians..

1 Corinthians 5:33 says, “Bad company, corrupts good morals”

What on earth does that mean? I am sure you've heard it a million times from your parents, teachers, and mentors but put into simple words, "you are who your friends are".

If we start hanging around people who do not share the same faith and values as us as believers, we are likely to start acting, talking, and becoming like them. We as Christians are taught God’s love, truth, and plan. Our desires are to walk towards God, grow in faith, and surround ourselves with others that do so as well. A friend that isn't on that same track to grow closer to the Lord can easily bring you down at times. Whether it be how they treat you, others, doing things they shouldn’t be doing, or maybe just not interested in the Lord at all. Knowing what makes a true and positive friend is so important so we can be able to watch who we are surrounding ourselves with! Because why? Bad company, corrupts good morals! Now that's not to say we shouldn't love others as God call us to, but being aware and intentional with those in your close circle can make or break your ability to keep your eyes on the prize! Jesus!

Questions to think on:

  • What does sisterhood mean to me?

  • How would I feel if I were the only one on Earth?

  • Why is sisterhood important to me?

  • What characteristics do I believe a true friend has?

  • What percentage of my friends are true & positive friends?

  • Is there anyone that I maybe should not be hanging around?

  • Am I acting as the type of friend I strive to have?

  • How can I be a true friend to others?

I pray we can all find true friends during our time here on earth. I pray that we can all be the friend we strive to have. I pray that with the Lord's help we can bring others to know him through our words, actions, and prayers. Amen!

With Lots of Love,

Georgia Zeleskey

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